Gay male porn stars dead

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He and his loverīoth said they wanted to return to the gay porn business, and even Murphy started a furniture store with friend and fellow gay pornĭirector Crystal Crawford, but they had a falling out over money (MurphyĪccused Crawford of stealing from the company Crawford said theĪs late as last spring, Murphy was in good health.

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The camera, which is why he moved on to directing and writing andĮventually left the industry. Murphy said he never felt comfortable being in front of Performances in 'Bull Pen,' 'Deep End' and 'Demolition Man.' He alsoĭirected several films, including the decent 'Manhattan Skyline' (which Murphy appeared in only a few films, including fairly decent It was this final spasm of drug use that led to his death. Told friends that he 'wanted to go out with a bang' and began usingĪgain. But as his health deteriorated from AIDS, Murphy Murphy, who had a long-time drug habit, had been mostly clean and soberįor several years. Veteran retired gay porn star Christian Murphy died of an overdose ofĬrystal meth on January 23, 2001.

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: faq : dead porn stars : christian murphy : faq : dead porn stars : christian murphy

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