Fat cock gay porn blog

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Some of the guys you might want to check out there include Apollo, Orin, Bralick, and Mico – but there are many more. Likewise, has featured a lot of big-dicked models, and back in October they even had a Monster Cock Week. This sexy Latin lover definitely has one of the biggest cocks in the business right now (10 uncut inches.) You can read more about him in an interview he did with ManHunt Daily.ī is another well known site where you will find a large number of huge dicks, even though that’s not the site’s main focus. That said, recently signed new exclusive Boomer Banks. However, extra large cocks aren’t generally the main focus.

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This month we’ll take a look at some of the member sites, Tumblr sites, tube sites, blogs, and recent DVD releases specializing in monster cock content.Īt most of the major porn studios, a majority of the models have pretty big dicks, since it’s almost a prerequisite for the vocation. If you fall into that camp, you’ll be happy to know that there are an abundance of monster cock resources online. Bonsly Darmanitan tracks down some of the best sites dedicated to supersized cocksįor some people, size matters when it comes to gay porn.

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